
Glass heaven?

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This time next week I will be heading to Stourbridge! 2022 is the International year of Glass, so a perfect time to visit the International Festival of Glass for the first time. This exhibition has everything from the large scale British Glass Biennale to smaller more intimate displays, big installations, performance glass art, displays and demonstrations, talks, and even the chance to have a go yourself, with taster sessions and masterclasses from world renowned tutors. Stourbridge is historically the home of British Glass manufacturing, and now houses the Museum of Glass which I visited when it opened earlier this year.

This year the Festival will also include the inaugural International Bead Biennale Exhibition, a juried selection of beads from artists all over the world. I still can't quite believe that I am typing this, but I entered three beads in very diverse styles, hopeful that one might be selected. To discover that all three were deemed good enough literally had me floored! I'm now beyond excited to go and see them displayed amongst work by glass artists from 24 countries, some of whom are glassy heroes whose work I have only ever seen online before now.
The International Bead Biennale submission was open to artists, designers, craftspeople and students worldwide who create beads where glass is the key material. All glassmaking techniques were acceptable as long as the piece conformed to the concept of a bead. 

'For both of these prestigious exhibitions the emphasis is on new work demonstrating the highest level of excellence in design, creative imagination and technical skill'.

 The jury this year comprised Barbara Beadman, Vic Bamforth and Pauline Holt.

Do consider visiting the Festival if you can, it opens on 26th August and runs until 1st October 2022 , Tuesday to Saturday 10-4pm, entry is Free.
Location; there are several around Stourbridge and Wolverhampton, but the main hub is :

Glasshouse Arts and Heritage Centre

The Glasshouse Stourbridge

Wollaston Road




Mr Bearhouse and I are going to the Private View and Awards ceremony on Thursday, where I will do my utmost not to be completely starstruck (unlikely!). We have also booked a glassblowing session on Friday, so I will report back with some photos.