
Lampwork glass beads for sale

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Well, Etsy have certainly created some publicity of late, not necessarily all of it good. Thankfully it is not something that has affected me (yet!), but they are making it more and more difficult for genuine sellers of handmade goods to be seen. I seem to remember that when I initially joined I had to prove that all of my beads were genuinely handmade by me, but these days the marketplace seems to be filled with unregulated mass produced items.

I will continue to maintain a presence on Etsy, but more and more of my work will now be moving to this site. I have a number of customers who like to be able to purchase single beads, and the listing fees make it uneconomical to list these elsewhere. So, now you will find single beads, bead pairs and all manner of sets available, as well as some made-to-order beads too. If you have an idea for a bead that isn't listed, please do make contact and I will see what I can do.

I am, as ever, extremely grateful to be able to make beads for a living. I am lucky enough now to be working with several jewellery companies undertaking production work for them, in addition to my own designs.

Thank you for your continuing support.
